Don DeLillo's "White Noise" is both powerful and unsettling. Through the Galdney family, DeLillo portrays the American society of his times. As the characters elbow their way through an unspecified airborne toxic event and the potentiality to be relieved from their fear of death thanks to a medicine called Dylar, each and all of the protagonists comes to terms with their own mortality.
Written in 1985, "White Noise" reads as an accurate - hence visionary - statement on the American society of the beginning of the XXIst century.
Cet essai est une analyse du roman "White Noise", écrit en 1985 par le prolofique auteur américain Don DeLillo. La famille Gladney, qui est au centre du roman, pourrait bien être une métaphore de la société Américaine. Quel regard Don DeLillo porte t-il donc sur elle?
Ecrit il y a presque 25 ans, le propos de ce livre semble d'une incroyable actualité.