Olivier Guichard

Hey Frenchman !

When he discovered Ireland as a student in the early nineties, Olivier was sure of one thing : he wanted to integrate and live with the Irish. However

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Reliures : Dos carré collé

Formats : 14,8x21 cm

Pages : 344

Impression : Noir et blanc

N° ISBN : 9782958094515

N° ISBN Epub : 9782958094522

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Hey Frenchman !
Hey Frenchman !
When he discovered Ireland as a student in the early nineties, Olivier was sure of one thing : he wanted to integrate and live with the Irish. However

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Ses ouvrages
When he discovered Ireland as a student in the early nineties, Olivier was sure of one thing : he wanted to integrate and live with the Irish. However, he didn't know much about them or their culture. In a rapidly changing society where traditions and modernity collide, what would he encounter along the way? What surprises would his experiences hold in store for him? Deep friendships and intense moments which would thrill him, transform him and draw the link towards his new life.
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Hey Frenchman !
Hey Frenchman !