Hello from Southport

 Café Littéraire   Débuté par laughingboy   2012-03-05 00:00:00 +01:00   Messages 17    Vues: 1305

  1. laughingboy
    laughingboy Membre Southport UK
    Hello to everyone on here. I don't suppose there's too many English members here on theBookEdition, but maybe there's one or two.

    I am from, originally, Crosby, Liverpool, UK, but am currently living further up the coast in Southport. I am a keen self publisher, not much success as such, but I sell enough things to keep me happy.

    I hope to be a regular contributor to these forums, although like many English people - sadly - I don't speak French or any second language.

    Ok, enough blather for now.


    John alias Laughing Boy on here.
    laughingboy, 2012-03-05 14:48:40 +01:00
  2. alter
    alter Membre
    Welcome John ! I speak in english a little, anche in italiano, puis je tente d'écrire en français ;-)

    See you next
    alter, 2012-03-05 19:15:22 +01:00
  3. Annie
    Annie Membre
    Welcome on our website, John! We are proud to see TheBookEdition.com begins to spread across the Channel. Feel free to ask for whatever bothers you.
    Annie, 2012-03-06 13:53:36 +01:00
  4. laughingboy
    laughingboy Membre Southport UK
    And hello to both of you, thanks for the welcome.
    laughingboy, 2012-03-06 18:25:50 +01:00
  5. Orcus
    Orcus Membre Val d Oise
    I don
    Orcus, 2012-03-06 19:45:18 +01:00
  6. Jean-Marc
    Jean-Marc Membre Champagne
    Hi john !
    Author/guitarist ? Musician/Writer ? Both of them I presume... Welcome indeed.
    Jean-Marc, 2012-03-08 21:39:15 +01:00
  7. laughingboy
    laughingboy Membre Southport UK
    Thanks for the welcome, fellas. Yeah, I know there's not too many Brits about on sites like this, but I like to join and see what's what. Plus, from perhaps a mercenary point of view, it seems logical to have some link with the country you would like to sell books in, rather than just trying to do so from across the channel. I should have my first book on here very soon.


    laughingboy, 2012-03-13 23:52:35 +01:00
  8. Orcus
    Orcus Membre Val d Oise
    Being a Brit among froggies make you stand out like a fly in a bowl of milk. Not a bad status in a crowded place like TBE, with more than 17000 authors. Back from a pilgrimage to Great Missenden, I
    Orcus, 2012-03-14 14:49:06 +01:00
  9. laughingboy
    laughingboy Membre Southport UK
    Hello again, my stuff is mainly family friendly general stuff, hard to pin down to one genre / category because it isn't. I have one full length novel - a magic and fantasy affair in the vein of HP. The rest are novellas or short story collections and even these are varied. I have a tale about a pair of irradiated army trousers that develop a mind of their own and run rampant around Wiltshire (if I'd have thought of that mini blurb years ago I' d have changed it to Rutland!). A kids tale of a roving marble doing an inanimate object version of Black Beauty or Lassie; A compendium of short stories featuring a mischievous late 40s Wiltshire lad, 'Happy Harold Spencer, and two written jointly with my daughter - one a novella which brings together football and espionage in post-Edwardian Britain, the other a collection of poems, verses, muses, song lyrics and jokes. I also have a reprint of a classic which does well no matter in print or on Kindle. I would post links to their current homes, but I am not at all sure if that's within the protocol or decorum here.

    One thing on my style. I knew years ago I was no good at 'flowery', so I just keep my narrative very very simple, eg, if Jimmy went out to get pie and chips, then he went out to get pie and chips, but - the happy contradiction or seeming contradiction - I lace it with off the wall stuff, mainly in the dialogue, but also if the narrative can take it, there too.

    At the moment, I am facing up to the reality that this site does not match any of my preferred book sizes. So books / files I thought were boxed off and done with formatting wise years ago, will once again soon be facing the dreaded Word formatting options. I really do lament Word 03. But I had to let it go, all the updates were messing with it, then 03 was messing with the current office suite, so obviously as time's gone on compatibility issues crept in. I sighed, bit the bullet, cried over my wallet, and paid out for a new office, and then, because MS have become a bit mean in recent years, paid out for a new Word prog too. Boy, did the kids starve for ages after that!

    Now before I go, I don't suppose there's any harm in posting my Youtube link, is there? You can at least scroll through and catch the odd offering from me in among the vintage stuff I have posted there. It is : http://www.youtube.com/user/Joshua12345

    Ok, well, I hope to be posting more and more on here as I begin the uploads (after the dreaded re-formatting), so I will, hopefully, see you anon.

    laughingboy, 2012-03-14 21:39:30 +01:00
  10. Orcus
    Orcus Membre Val d Oise
    We'll wait for your books, then. Where did you get all those Chaplin clips ? Are they free of rights ? Are they somewhat related to your writing or is it just another thing that you do, like, jack of all trades ?
    Orcus, 2012-03-18 17:15:03 +01:00
  11. laughingboy
    laughingboy Membre Southport UK
    I am sorry to say that after thinking I'd stolen a march as the saying goes, it turned out I did not have one single book which is anywhere near these sizes on here, so what I thought would be a quick reformatting for at least some is now a massive job. I even tried to alter a PDF (the rastering helps change the lot, unlike Word which retains the font size no matter the dimensions of the file), but it came out a mess. I am still going to do this, but it will mean it will be a lot longer before I can publish here. Now then, Charlie Chaplin, I use a fantastic site called the Internet Archive, much under used and little known, it's Gutenberg with bells and whistles. They upload what they consider to be out of copyright material and they state that they can be downloaded freely. I can only take them at their word, and the site is owned by a respected film archivist, Rick Prelinger; if they've got it wrong, then boy, that would be a massive error, but it's been around years and they don't seem to be constantly getting challenged, so I guess they know their onions. And yes, I like to fire on all fronts, but don't claim to be an expert on films, I just love the silents. Ok, back to the laborious resizing. Bye for now. John
    laughingboy, 2012-03-20 12:24:25 +01:00
  12. Igor
    Igor Membre
    I wish i could go to Southport someday! When will my dream come true?
    Igor, 2012-04-13 16:20:04 +02:00
  13. laughingboy
    laughingboy Membre Southport UK
    I hope you make it, but, like all Northern UK towns, it's flippin' freezing and wet and windy a lot of the time.
    laughingboy, 2012-04-14 17:53:01 +02:00
  14. sy
    sy Membre

    Glad to meet you in this forum ! It's great enough
    I'd like to translate my book Aventures sur l''île in english' It's a love story very fun I think and I'd like to have it in english too. My purpose is to pre translate it with Google Translate and then send it to you to read and correct it if you please of course !
    It's the first big work I have done and it has a very meaning to me, so thank you very much if you agree.

    Le livre Aventures sur l

    Le livre Aventures sur l

    Acheter Aventures sur l

    Acheter Aventures sur l
    sy, 2012-04-14 21:35:33 +02:00
  15. Orcus
    Orcus Membre Val d Oise
    Hi, Johnny boy,

    Still laughing ?
    Orcus, 2012-04-15 09:43:05 +02:00
  16. laughingboy
    laughingboy Membre Southport UK
    Hello again, well, I try!
    laughingboy, 2012-04-15 13:38:13 +02:00
  17. laughingboy
    laughingboy Membre Southport UK
    Hello there, Sy. Unfortunately, you really would need a professional editor for that, I am not one myself although at times I dearly wish I was. If you have a budget for the job, then I can suggest you try a friend of mine who does do the odd translation from English to French or vice versa. He's not cheap, but nor is he the most expensive. The link for his site is :


    If you cannot at the moment afford a professional to do the job, then my advice would be to at least introduce your French book in French to the English market, as I have done in reverse with my book. I know it will be hard to gain sales, but with clever marketing you may bag some.

    Best of luck

    L B
    laughingboy, 2012-04-15 13:46:05 +02:00
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