Lorsque je travaillais pour des traders, j'ai remarqué qu'ils confondaient souvent écrivains et footballeurs. Si vous deviez constituer une équipe de foot avec des écrivains, qui y mettriez-vous ?
En gardien de but, Voltaire. En défense centrale, Tolstoï et Balzac, je pense. Arrière gauche : Soljenitsyne Arrière droit : John Irving Milieux défensifs : Victo Hugo et Eiji Yoshikawa. Meneur de jeu : Proust Ailier droit : Kafka Ailier gauche : Gabriel Garcia Marquez Attaquant : Stephen King
Goal : Michael Rosen Left Back : Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle Right Back : Silas K Hocking Back Centre Left : Dominic Behan Back Centre Right : Brendan Behan Mid Centre Left : E R Burroughs Mid Centre Right : Lord Baden-Powell Mid Left : Mark Twain Mid Right : Philip Reeve Striker : Tony Parsons Striker : Jonathan Miller
That lot would think their way to victory even better than the Liverpool team of the 70s and 80s.
Thank you, Squire. I know the translations are coming out less than a 100% but I think what is meant can still be readily gleaned, whether this and more jokey threads, or the more serious ones.
Hello John, Cripure, John, please forgive my ignorance, but the only names that ring a bell are Conan-Doyle, Twain, Burroughs and Baden-Powell. As far as I know, the other ones could be your cousins (unless I bother to google them). Kind of a cultural divide, here. Also, I would think that the main interest of that exercise is not
Blimey, I wish they were my cousins, I would very likely to be loaded! They are a motley gathering of mostly old authors, and I used a combination of their looks and physique and their characters to place them in their positions. Michael Rosen for example, is a little scary, and so, could put the strikers off. Hocking was a dour, robust man, not big and tough as such but solid enough, so I thought he'd be that balance of ball player and defender you need for full backs. The Behans were bold and brassy and so they could command the middle defence, and so it goes on. The front two though were because their looks reminded me of the classic Tosh and Keegan partnership at Liverpool many years ago, the tall Miller would rise and nod down to the small but solid parsons to smash home. You should now get the gist of my thinking for this, but, it's all in fun so it doesn't matter really.
A thoughtful choice. Anyhow, as far as soccer is concerned, I'd rather trust an englishman. My favorites were Gascoigne and Bellamy, hotheads that could really smah a goal in any position. What I like most in England are the way the soccer fields are designed. You're so close to the players you could almost talk to them. I remember a game at Reading, in the Millenium Stadium, not a great team, mind you, stuck in the second league, but it was nice to sit right where the action took place. As for Burroughs, Tarzan's father, he could have been a striker, bouncing around shirtless after a hit.
Yes, Burroughs could do that, but he would also be good and strong in midfield, and he could do a Tarzan call just before he passed the ball. Yes, Gascoigne was brilliant, but too much of a hothead in the end.
En gardien de but je mettrais Jean d'Ormesson. Et à l'Académie francaise j'y mettrais Ribéry pour faire un peu la poussière dans les règles de grammaire! Hihihi :)
Bonjour, je me permets de reprendre de volée ce (petit) pont entre deux univers qu'à priori seul le goût pour le jeu de tête semble rapprocher . Pour ma part si je devais garnir mes pages avec quelques éléments issus du monde du football, ma compositon très partielle pourrait ressembler à:
Espace entre les mots: Laurent Blanc
Page de garde: Hugo Loris
Point d'interrogation: Yohan Gourcuff
Parenthèse (dorée): Coupe du monde 98
Rature (indélébile): Coupe du même nom 2010
Trait d'union: Zinédine Zidane
Merci pour la récré et pardon aux footeux dont j'ai peut-être un peu écorché le nom...mais ça n'était pas volontaire Monsieur l'arbitre.