Mike Miller, Son of Pendragon

 La promotion de votre livre   Débuté par laughingboy   2012-04-13 00:00:00 +02:00   Messages 2    Vues: 691

  1. laughingboy
    laughingboy Membre Southport UK

    Hello, folks, well, weeks and weeks after I had intended to have this published here, I have finally done so. This is my contemporary Magic and Fantasy tale, set mostly in England but with jaunts around Europe, and even short spells (pardon the pun) in the USA and Australia. I am not sure on the preview situation here yet, but if one gets created by default, I hope you do peruse my offering. Cheers. John Haines
    laughingboy, 2012-04-13 01:08:49 +02:00
  2. Annie
    Annie Membre
    Hello John,
    First of all to make your URL work, just put (url) before, and (/url) after, changing the ( in [ and the ) in ]
    So your url becomes clickable :
    As for the preview, you can choose the range. But don't mind, next month will see our website's spring ...
    Anyway congratulations to you! Such a great man and such a great subject can only lead to a great book :)
    Annie, 2012-04-13 07:09:37 +02:00
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